有效的矿坑排水对于实现更安全、更可持续的露天开采作业至关重要。 但是,泵如果未正确维护,容易发生机械故障。泵的重要性不言而喻,但经常要靠手动控制,缺乏数据采集和远程监测,因而往往导致高成本的意外停机。
关键泵的集成控制 ,提高可视性和资产性能管理。
In an Engineering and Mining Journal Article, Shovel Service Suppliers Help Cut Costs, CO2, Emerson’s Tom Francisco joins other mining experts to describe ways to extend the life and improve maintenance practices on these critical assets for mining operators.
了解更多Cristián Doerr notes that many industries have dealt with the corrosive issues of salt water for decades and have learned over the years where they can get away with standard practices, and where they are better off investing in more corrosion resistance.
了解更多To drive improvements in safety and reliability, it’s important to get real-time insight in the health of the critical mining assets. Not only can additional sensors provide early indication of asset performance issues, the use of preconfigured applications that use machine learning algorithms to continuously analyze process data and condition-based data can alert decision makers to act before...
矿井和矿石运搬装置利用成熟的自动化和边缘技术避免故障。 改善数据连接性与分析可迅速改善运营的正常运行和资产利用率。采矿作业与许多大型加工业一样会运用到多种仪表、阀门、泵和电机控制装置。这些设备借助合适的仪表和边缘计算将重要的机器运行状况监测信息传输给资产管理系统(AMS)。源数据流通过 HART 仪表、HART I/O 模块以及 HART 控制器以及监测软件直接发给 AMS 软件。用户可以确保仪器标定是最新的,确认仪表和阀门是否健康(未堵塞或磨损),主动发现问题,以便订购替换件、规划停机。