从制氧机到可穿戴监测器再到给药系统、呼吸器和口罩,医疗产品和设备将监测、治疗和疾病控制从临床环境转移到日常生活中。因为设备性能至关重要,所以制造商依赖于艾默生的解决方案,包括 ASCO 维修流体控制阀和控件、必能信的清洁激光和超声波装配技术以及艾默生全球专家的本地服务和支持。
体外诊断 (IVD) 仪表依靠复杂的流体处理组件对关键样本进行绝对精确的管理。艾默生面对 IVD 平台挑战开发了微型阀门解决方案,更大限度地减少死体积、防范污染、减少热量、降低功耗并精确控制诊断试剂。另外,我们通过快速工程设计解决方案计划可以很快实现您的概念。
In this Medical Moment video, Emerson’s Jim Perry and Tony Gaglio discuss the typical challenges clinical laboratory instruments manufacturers face and how Emerson’s engineers and customized fluid control solutions can help them to overcome these challenges.
Emerson brings together the brands and designs, combines them with a knowledgeable technical staff to team with our OEM customers to design the best solution for the challenge. Our Rapid Engineered Solutions emphasis is tailored to meet the demands of analytical instrument and medical design OEMs to optimize their system design, accelerate speed to market, and increase ROI for their next device!