More efficient combustion

Improve Furnace and Fired Heater Efficiency

Ensure safety, improve energy efficiency, and environmentally friendly operations.

Improve Your Fired Heater Operation

Fired heater operation is a delicate balancing act between safety, efficiency and environmental compliance. The measure of combustion efficiency is the percent O2 in the flue gas. A high level of O2 in the flue gas gives an added margin of safety for the furnace, but it has negative efficiency and environmental implications with increased NOx emissions. By controlling the set point of fuel gas on a mass flow basis, you are more closely controlling the energy feeding the combustion. If a specific gravity analyzer is added to the control scheme, even tighter control of energy flow can be achieved.

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Improve Furnace and Fired Heater Efficiency (1)


Julie  Valentine explains how Emerson enables refiners and petrochemical plants to  optimize fired heater combustion control using mass flow control.

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