Improve Cooling Water Quality

Improve Cooling Water Quality

Reduce corrosion, enable real-time additive dosing optimization, and reduce exchanger damage and environmental risk

Eliminate Unplanned Shutdowns with Real-Time Corrosion Monitoring

Poor cooling water quality increases environmental risk and plant shutdowns that cost millions. Insufficient chemical additives and the lack of real-time corrosion monitoring can damage heat exchangers contaminating the cooling water. This can also cause a plant shutdown since the cooling water must be treated before discharge to waterways. Traditionally, weight coupons are used to monitor corrosion, but they don’t provide real-time data to ensure corrosion additives are working.  Using Roxar wireless corrosion monitoring allows for real-time adjustments to additives dosing rates based on cooling water flow rate minimizing expensive heat exchanger damage and plant shutdowns.

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Improve Cooling Water Quality

Media & Case Studies

Mitigate the effects of corrosion and erosion with Emerson's full range of complementary, best-in-class monitoring technologies that adapt to various applications in your plant

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