Refinery fired heater

Better Manage Refinery Energy and Emissions

Optimize your refinery’s energy usage, meet regulations, and lower operating costs.

Cut energy consumption and costs while ensuring compliance

The need to optimize operations to reduce energy usage and waste, and meet ever-changing emissions and environmental regulations is critical. By partnering with Emerson, you’ll gain the ability to identify root causes for energy loss and access better energy consumption data. This insight will enable you to achieve improved results and keep your refinery operating at peak performance while meeting all regulations. 

单击以继续读取 Cut energy consumption and costs while ensuring compliance
Refinery at sunset showing several operating units and pipelines.

Refinery saves $700K by avoiding hydrogen/hydrocarbon loss

Due to dangerous flare and vent valve leakage, a refiner installed continuous online acoustic monitoring technology, alerting operators to initiate corrective actions.


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IndianOil Selects Emerson to modernize refinery to meet low emissions fuel standards

India’s largest refinery chooses Emerson for major upgrade of emissions control operations as part of their 2020 clean fuels strategy.

How to Achieve Efficient Combustion Control on Fired Heaters

Julie Valentine explains how Emerson enables refiners and petrochemical plants to optimize fired heater combustion control using mass flow...

To combat emissions, it must be monitored and analyzed

Learn about technologies designed to sense and analyze industrial gases and monitor emissions at your refinery.
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