这类定位器基于微处理器,可兼容 HART、FOUNDATION 现场总线以及 PROFIBUS 等多种通讯协议。微处理器具有诊断功能和两路通讯,可简化设置并进行故障排除。在标准的数字式阀门控制器中,微处理器读取控制信号并使用数字算法进行处理,然后转换为驱动电流信号进入 I/P 转换器。位置控制算法由微处理器执行,而非机械梁、凸轮和挡板组件。
This webinar covers how Fisher FIELDVUE digital valve controllers function, available diagnostic levels, and how to use diagnostics to your advantage. We also show demos of diagnostic tests using a control valve assembly in the Emerson Solutions Center in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Delivering the digital content of SMART positioners on a global project can be challenging. We'll show how combining DVC6200 series digital valve controllers with a mix of simplification and automation helps you across the entire valve lifecycle.