关于罗斯蒙特 3051 系列压力变送器
升级设计融入了我们的一些新型技术,可以比以前更快地维护和排除故障。图形背光显示单元、Bluetooth® 连接等强大功能更便于用户界面导航以及液位和流量特定组态,再加上诊断功能,让您可以更快地执行调试、维护和故障排除任务。
Thirty years ago, Emerson’s Rosemount 3051 Pressure Transmitter set a new standard for quality and reliability. Celebrate a history of innovation with Emerson experts who reflect on early beginnings, customer collaboration and continued advancements.
Reveal hidden electrical loop issues that may show incorrect measurements in the control room that could lead to safety and quality compromising decisions. The 3051 performs a continuous loop check, so you know device status at all times.