Meet Ethylene Purity and Certification Demands Using Laser-Based Continuous Gas Analyzers

Ensure Product Quality and Process Control with Real-Time Detection and Analysis of Trace Impurities
Ethylene Purity Certification

Optimize Fractionation Control with Fast, Multi-Component Gas Analysis

The goal of an ethylene plant is to produce 99.99% pure product. This purity is ensured during the final purification step which takes place in an ethylene fractionation tower. Reliable, fast analysis of ethane concentration is critical to the fractionation process control, especially since ethylene and its precursor ethane have similar physical properties making them difficult to separate.

Using Rosemount laser-based continuous gas analyzers allows fast and highly selective detection of multiple gases simultaneously. This precision of measurement mitigates unnecessary ethylene recycling and reprocessing costs, reduces product giveaway and minimizes energy usage.

Once ethylene leaves the fractionator, its purity must be certified before shipping. With their speed and accuracy in detecting multiple gas components at parts-per-million sensitivity levels, Rosemount Laser Gas Analyzers enable identification of trace levels of impurities, allowing online, real-time ethylene certification.

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