Argosy Technologies selects Emerson’s Coriolis flowmeters for loading/unloading and fuel dispensing systems


Argosy Technologies is using Emerson’s Micro Motion® ELITE® Coriolis meters on Russian Railroad application

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Grace Capwell
Emerson Automation Solutions
+1 (512) 834-7214
[email protected]

Micro Motion ELITE flowmeters provide accurate mass-flow measurement for custody transfer of liquid petroleum products

BOULDER, COLO (September 18, 2012) -- Argosy Technologies has selected Emerson Process Management’s Micro Motion® ELITE Coriolis flowmeters as an integral part of its new unique loading/unloading and fuel dispensing systems. The Micro Motion flowmeters provide accurate, real-time, in-line measurement data, and provide users of the new custody transfer systems with high measurement performance and maintenance free operation, even in demanding operational environments.

“The highest levels of flow measurement accuracy and reliability are essential for the demanding fiscal applications that our systems support,” said Peter Mouler PhD, President, Argosy Technologies. “Emerson’s Coriolis flowmeters are proven within tough environments and ensure that we can offer a world-class solution to our customers.”

Argosy Technologies is a leading provider of equipment and technology to some of the largest oil and gas companies in Russia and the CIS. The new Argosy AT Loading/Unloading Systems measure petroleum and liquefied chemicals during bulk discharge and loading for transportation and storage. Argosy has also added the new AT Fuel Dispensing Station for vehicle refuelling at petrol and pumping stations.

“Emerson and Argosy have a longstanding, cooperative relationship that helps us bring new solutions and increased value to customers in Russia and the CIS,” said Johan Vanderplaetse, vice president CIS and Turkey for Emerson Process Management.

 Traditionally, volumetric flow measurement has been the standard for these applications in Russia. However, if changing pressures and temperatures are not compensated for, uncertainty is introduced into the final flow total or additional cost is incurred to correct for these errors. Coriolis technology solves these issues by providing real time measurement of mass flow rate, volume flow rate, density, temperature and batch totals – all from a single device. 

 Both Argosy AT systems utilize highly accurate mass flow measurement data provided by the Micro Motion ELITE® (Models CMF 300 and CMF 400) flowmeters. These provide mass and volume measurement of petroleum products with a margin of error of ±0.15% within the working temperature range of -40°C to +50°C. This exceptional accuracy and operating performance in entrained gas conditions makes the custody transfer systems being offered by Argosy Technologies amongst the most accurate available in the market, providing customers with reduced material shrinkage and greater accountability.

 Micro Motion Coriolis flowmeters can be supplied with a Russian GOST Verification Certificate and are ideally suited to custody transfer applications where high accuracy is required. They have no moving parts, enabling the meters to deliver improved system reliability and increased plant availability. Additionally, Micro Motion meters do not require straight pipe runs or flow conditioning devices, enabling compact and efficient skid-based metering designs.

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