Optimize Your Lithium Supply Chain—From the Mine to the Gigafactory

Optimize Your Lithium Supply Chain—From the Mine to the Gigafactory

Streamline your journey to commercialized production with an experienced automation partner that offers modern, future-proof DeltaV automation technology. 

Streamline Your Path to Commercial Production

From exploration to production and beyond, we prioritize your project success while ensuring safety, improving quality, and increasing speed to market so you can operate more sustainably.

Increase Speed to Market

Aumente a velocidade para comercialização

Simplify equipment integration, automate workflows, cut validation and testing times, and rapidly meet product specifications with precision. 

Enhance Safety & Quality

Aprimore a segurança e a qualidade

Increase safety integrity while improving process availability and optimize control for consistent quality and right-first-time performance.

Improve Sustainability

Melhore a sustentabilidade

Optimize resource utilization, reduce energy consumption, and minimize waste.

Your Automation Partner is the Foundation for Your Success

Your success is our success. With a one-team mentality and comprehensive automation solutions, Emerson will help you meet your business needs—now and in the future.

Uma abordagem transformacional para a certeza do projeto
A Transformational Approach to Project Certainty

Meet budget & schedule targets with Emerson’s approach to capital project execution, which takes a fresh look at delivering project certainty.

Um portfólio que se adapta às suas necessidades
A Portfolio That Adapts to Your Needs

Meet your unique needs and align your business objectives with Emerson's broad portfolio of modern, future-proof DeltaV automation solutions.

Uma rede global de especialistas locais
A Global Network of Local Experts

Combine Emerson’s proven technologies and processes with local expertise and support to deliver consistent, reliable and predictable customer outcomes.

Uma única fonte de automação
A Single Automation Source

Achieve predictable success & reduce cost, complexity, & risk when we act as your single point of contact for your automation needs.

The Latest

A tecnologia Edge atualizada da Emerson ajuda a impulsionar a integração para processos de batelada

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Emerson ganha prêmio IoT Breakthrough Award de 2025 por “Inovação industrial do ano”

O software de ciências biológicas de última geração da empresa ajuda a acelerar a comercialização de tratamentos

As tecnologias prontas para o futuro da Emerson otimizam a cadeia de valor de lítio

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