Water Treatment

Water Treatment

Emerson’s ASCO offers safe and complete platform solutions for potable water and wastewater treatment.

Total Fluid Control for Water Treatment

Emerson offers a broad range of Water Treatment solutions such as solenoid valves to control transfer pumps and process valves, compact pneumatic manifolds with fieldbus electronics for valve automation and lead-free products for potable water applications.

As part of Emerson's full platform solution, ASCO Water Treatment applications are used in:

·         Aeration/Odor Control

·         Bio Refinery Solutions

·         Disinfection/Filtration

·         Process Valve Piloting

·         Seal Water Control

·         Solids Dewatering

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Solutions in Action

Screening & Settling

Water treatment begins at the screening phase. All water entering the treatment system passes through a primary screening tank. Non-microscopic debris and matter are removed as water flows through a series of screens. 

The water is then passed to a settling tank where non-suspended particles settle into a sediment at the bottom and are removed from the process by sludge pumps.

Aeration & Clarifying

The water is then pumped into an aeration tank. A tube or plate transfers air and thus oxygen into the water. Oxygen is used by microorganisms/bacteria in the water to break down pollutants. Pre-chlorination occurs during aeration to remove dissolved iron and manganese. For the next state, water moves into a clarifying tank where it undergoes chemical coagulation/flocculation to collect suspended particles together and remove them mechanically, usually with a revolving arm.


Filtration is the final phase of water treatment. The water passes through multiple filters such as lattice structures to remove any remaining solid matter or particles. Biological film can be applied to the filter to remove biological matter, as with slow sand filtration. After filtering the water treatment process has removed solids, bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, and minerals like iron and manganese.

Process Valve Piloting

The fluid flow of each process is controlled by pilot valves and manifold valves. These valves can be electronically controlled from an enclosure/control panel assembly where they are electronically integrated into a fieldbus input/output device.

Fittings & Accessories

The water treatment process requires accessories for connections and seals.  Accessories often include NPTF/inch tube fittings, metric fittings, metering valves, check valves, inline and right angle flow controls and assorted brass fittings.

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