Conductivity Measurement in Dairy Plants

Help keep dairy production running efficiently with accurate conductivity measurement
Conductivity Measurement in Dairy Plants

Sanitary Conductivity Sensor Provides Reliable Measurements

Conductivity measurements are used throughout the dairy production process for making milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream and butter. During the milk collection stage, conductivity spikes can serve as an early warning detection for mastitis of a herd, which can effect product quality. Conductivity sensors are also used to differentiate between non-fat and whole milk, as the presence of milk fat leads to a decrease in conductivity. Conductivity sensors are used during CIP and SIP cycles to determine how well tanks, transfer lines and agitators have been cleaned. Dairy plants, like other food and beverage facilities, must use conductivity sensors designed to 3A and USP Class VI requirements. The Rosemount™ 225 Toroidal Conductivity Sensor is ideal for use in dairy plants as it carries both requirements and can be inserted into the milk stream directly. The sensor can be used to measure the CIP stream concentration to ensure optimal disinfection.

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