Emerson Innovation Day 2022
28 juin 2022 │ Brasserie Lamot VZW │ Malines
Les logiciels industriels sont un outil nécessaire aux industries de transformation et de fabrication dans leur cheminement vers la transformation numérique. Au cours des prochaines années, bon nombre de ces entreprises exploiteront de plus en plus la technologie logicielle pour rendre leurs opérations plus efficaces et plus sûres, en augmentant la disponibilité, la sécurité et la rentabilité.
Lors de notre Emerson Innovation Day de cette année, vous comprendrez mieux comment nos solutions logicielles innovantes peuvent vous aider à atteindre les plus hauts niveaux de durabilité et de performance en terme de productivité. Inspirez-vous pour vos projets en cours et obtenez des conseils sur la manière d'améliorer l'efficacité et la rentabilité de vos opérations.
Nous nous réjouissons de vous accueillir en personne cette année.
A la manière d'un chef étoilé Michelin qui utilise des ingrédients pour réaliser une recette hors du commun, vous pourrez combiner technologies et expertise en fonction de vos besoins.
Better visibility into key operations data is essential for organisations looking to improve efficiency, increase plant and personnel safety, and support predictive maintenance strategies.
Join this session to learn more about how Plantweb™ Optics platform supports improved decision-making by collecting, aggregating and analysing operations data from across an enterprise and delivering alerts and key performance indicators to the right people at the right time.
Increased digitalization of process equipment and monitoring data streams are more important than ever.
During this session, we will demonstrate how Digital Transformation has become a real value contributor for plant operations with a Virtual 3D model representing a separator, upgraded with digitalized process equipment. We will discuss asset reliability, LED illumination based on WirelessHART and monitoring of heat exchanger, corrosion and erosion, pressure release valves and flare and control valves.
You will also take a closer look at the Wireless Plant Network and Field Networks and how the data is processed in Plantweb Insight.
During this session, we will showcase three diagnostic cases: first advanced valve diagnostics using the Fisher™ Digital Valve Controller (DVC) on a Pneumatic Control Valve, then a SIL Partial Stroke Test (PST) using the Fisher DVC on a High Tier Isolation Valve, and finally a PST with the Biffi™ IMVS2 Smart Integrated Valve Monitoring System.
Learn how asset diagnostics can give you the capability to perform online monitoring and health analysis to improve maintenance, reliability and performance of your plant.
Learn how to unlock machine efficiency with the Emerson PACSystems™ and Movicon TM portfolio.
Traditionally, manufacturers, utilities and machine builders have needed to deploy a wide range of automation equipment like PLCs, I/O, operator interfaces, safety and communications equipment. Today, there is a critical need to reduce costs, prevent unplanned downtime and increase machine efficiency and Plant Overall Equipment Effectiveness.
If you were asked, what is the health of all your instruments and valves right now, would you know? Furthermore, if you were asked what is the health of a specific valve, or which devices are overdue calibration, would you know? Real-time insight of plant devices provides the visibility you need to respond to issues effectively.
In this demo, we will demonstrate the overall health device dashboard, then focus on calibration data and project designation information – which are essential for commissioning and planned shutdowns. We will also show how AMS Device Manager can help to avoid process interruptions, plant shutdowns and safety incidents.
Organisations can achieve significant benefits by moving from on-premises software to cloud-based SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) platform to monitor and control their remote assets.
This demo will include an overview of the Zedi cloud-based SCADA platform, using both the web and mobile interfaces. Find out how you can use the Zedi infrastructure to monitor, action and resolve abnormal situations and avoid unnecessary visits to the field.
As we seek to better manage the corrosion challenges, we need to monitor for both changes in corrosion risk and monitor the impact that changing risk is having on the health of the equipment in the plant. The measurement technology alone is not sufficient – the key to any monitoring system is ensuring we get the data to the right people at the right time.
See how Plantweb Insight, an industrial analytics solution, offers instant visibility to key assets, enabling you to make better, faster decisions to digitally transform your operations.
The complexity of plant operation and external constraints like production agility or energy consumption become major challenges in today’s facilities. Having a holistic view of all peace of the plant and being able to produce more predictive patterns is something that can be achieved by leveraging Data-Driven technics powered by Machine Learning Engine.
Join this session to learn how Plantweb™ Optics Analytics software can progressively bring your operation up to speed with more control and understanding of your process and units, with a powerful Advanced Analytics Engine and Intuitive Interface, cooking your data from raw inputs to predictive information.
Explorez les solutions disponibles aux problèmes connus de votre secteur
Les événements de cette année se concentreront sur la façon dont le portefeuille de logiciels industriels d'Emerson peut aider à transformer numériquement les opérations, à améliorer l'efficacité et à accroître la sécurité des installations et du personnel.
Profitez de démonstrations pratiques interactives
Faites l'expérience d'une série de démonstrations pratiques et découvrez comment obtenir une meilleure visibilité sur les données opérationnelles clés et comment hiérarchiser les informations les plus critiques pour améliorer les opérations.
Partagez vos idées, vos expériences et votre réseau avec vos collègues, l'équipe d'Emerson et vos partenaires
Avoir des discussions ouvertes avec l'équipe locale d'Emerson et des experts en solutions, trouver des conseils sur les exigences réglementaires, des solutions innovantes, des connaissances pratiques et des informations techniques issues de mises en œuvre réussies.
Un très bon événement et une excellente occasion de partager des connaissances avec des collègues d'autres entreprises.
Un événement bien organisé, avec des techniciens qualifiés. Une large zone de démonstration très intéressante avec des solutions et des produits essentiels à l'industrie. Très bonne attention de la part du personnel d'Emerson.