Features of Real-Time Scheduling

Streamlined Enterprise Integration and Collaboration Solutions

Empower your teams with robust role-based access control, seamless notifications via Microsoft Teams, and convenient desktop and web-based schedule access.

Enterprise Integration

Unlock Operational Excellence

Unlock operational excellence with our unified scheduling and debottlenecking analysis model. Effortlessly update simulation logic from spreadsheets for streamlined processes. Seamlessly integrate with DeltaV Discrete Event Simulation for enhanced efficiency and accuracy, ensuring optimal performance across your operations.

Simulation & What-If Analysis

Empower Your Plant Innovation with Virtual Sandbox Experimentation

Unlock flexibility in facility modeling and operation analysis with innovative simulation technology.

Create a virtual sandbox for plant experimentation

Maximize Efficiency and Minimize Downtime

Leverage seamless real-time integrations for instant updates from internal and external systems, unlocking valuable insights via our comprehensive reporting options and user-friendly dashboards. Leaving you assured your operations run uninterrupted with automatic conflict resolution and rapid responses to unexpected schedule changes.

Develop an always feasible real-time schedule

Identify and Optimize Operational Bottlenecks

Leverage plant data for proactive analysis and iterative improvement to maximize throughput and enhance KPI performance.

Determine the current bottleneck and target improvement

Streamline Facility Performance Monitoring

Harness batch historian data to generate and manage OEE scores, golden batches, and other performance metrics automatically.

Track facility performance metrics based on consolidated corporate data sources
Real-Time Scheduling Benefits

Schedule Adherence

Accurately monitor facility goals and personnel efficiency.


White Space Analysis

Easily view and plan maintenance activities without disrupting plant operations.


What-if Scenarios

Immediately see the impact of strategy changes on schedule and facility performance.


Automatic Schedule Updates

Reflect the current status of all recipes to the schedule through integrations framework and update the future schedule. 


Peak Utility & Labor Requirements

Visualize peak demand for critical utilities, labor, or other potential constraints. 


Views for Functional Teams

Create and publish views for activities dedicated to different teams or operators.


Operator Allocation

Automatically assign operators to tasks based on capability matrix and availability.

Discrete Event Simulation

Featured Technology

DeltaV Discrete Event Simulation

Bottom-up, highly-adaptable discrete event simulation platform for your facility that enables automated debottlenecking analysis, rapid capacity analysis, scenario evaluation, and supply chain planning.

Discrete Event Simulation

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