
Flow Assurance & Chemical Injection Solutions

Eliminate excessive chemical costs and infrastructure failure with precision chemical injection flow control.

Optimize Chemical Injection Systems with Robust Flow Control

Without preventive chemicals, scales and waxes can plug tubing, and hydrates could block production. Without corrosion inhibitor, complete loss of well or infrastructure could occur. It’s safer to over-inject than risk a $1M/day production shutdown.

Emerson enables operators to “close the loop” on flow assurance, reducing operating expenses with precision chemical injection monitoring and flow control that maintains consistency and enables corrosion and erosion monitoring downstream.

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Media & Case Studies

Emerson's Laura Schafer describes how oil & gas producers are looking to reduce production costs in a low price environment by optimizing chemical injection costs.

In this webinar, you will learn about how to reduce overall operating costs with highly reliable and accurate control and monitoring of chemical injection systems.

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