石油和天然气运营商致力于通过技术创新提高油气井性能。这些创新包括实现效率提升、改善基础设施并降低检修成本。以上挑战遍布整个行业,包括海底、海上和陆上,也包括非常规石油和天然气(例如页岩区域)。过去的几年中,艾默生在北美页岩油气行业中积累了丰富的经验,通过 Roxar 2600 多相流量计 (MPFM) 对返排操作以及生产初期、中期和后期,进行精确测量。
Layer detection and compensation features are built into the embedded software of the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter to protect the integrity, reliability and robustness of the measurement results provided by the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter.
The Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter has proven to be robust and is performing well with all the various assisted recovery methods. With naturally flowing wells with erratic behaviors due to continuous changes in water, oil and gas, the Roxar 2600 Multiphase Flow Meter can adapt to the different flow regimes using advanced sensor capabilities to determine not only the rapid changes of the total flow but also address complex combinations of phase distribution.
艾默生利用专业知识和技术帮助企业将收益提高 10%