Optimizing Carbon-in-Leach process for Gold Extraction in Mining

Maximize the recovery of precious metals in a sustainable and cost-effective manner
Optimizing Carbon-in-Leach process for Gold Extraction in Mining

Optimizing Precious Metal Recovery in Mining during Carbon-in-Leach

Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) is a widely adopted process in the mining industry for extracting precious metals, particularly gold, from ore. This technique involves the use of a carbonaceous material to adsorb the gold, followed by its extraction through chemical means. The efficiency and success of CIL greatly depends on various factors, such as the ore composition, carbon quality, contact time, pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen. One common challenge of this process is the variability in ore grade and composition. Another significant challenge lies in accurately monitoring and controlling pH, temperature, and oxygen levels throughout the process, as combined deviations can have detrimental effects on process stability. With a range of advanced measurement instrumentation technologies, Emerson enables mining operations to maintain optimal conditions for efficient carbon-in-leach processes.

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