Rosemount-P-SureService and Long Term Service Agreements

Долгосрочные соглашения о сервисном обслуживании SureService™ для изделий Rosemount™

Product Description

Повышайте надежность и увеличивайте время безотказной работы, чтобы максимизировать потенциальный доход. Возможности современных измерительных и аналитических систем значительно шире по сравнению с более ранними поколениями. Позвольте же нашим обученным на производстве и сертифицированных техническим специалистам максимально увеличить их потенциал.

Сведения об услуге

Emerson SureService™ Long Term Service Agreements for measurement and analytical products allows you time to focus on your core business while factory trained, Rosemount certified personnel delve their knowledge, experience and best practices necessary to help you achieve your business goals.

Flexible, tailored service level tiers are available with SureService™ to match your specific needs with what degree you want Emerson involved to meet your specific operating conditions and business objectives. Each of the following tiers builds upon the previous tier starting with ST100.

ST100: Simplified and priority access for core, on-site support
ST200: Preventative maintenance and reliability
ST300: Connected Services with 8x5 monitoring providing customers with recommended actions
ST400: Managed Services with 24x7 monitoring of assets and full management service.

Connected (ST300) and Managed (ST400) services are subscription based which will increase your reliability and performance with instant access to expertise anytime, anywhere. ST300 and ST400 tiers:

  • Predict process setbacks
  • Provide plan of action based on your business goals
  • Improve work prioritization so correct actions are taken at the best time
  • Free-up your own personnels time for more valuable activities

Contact your local Emerson Service Center or sales representative for more information on SureService™ Long Term Service Agreements.