
Válvulas de segurança de alívio de pressurizador Sempell modelo PSRV tipo VS99

Product Description

O design, a construção e a ativação das válvulas de segurança dependem do design do respectivo reator e das especificações correspondentes


  • Extremely high sealing force, ensuring leak tightness up to the set pressure.
  • Very precise reproducibility of set pressure and small operating pressure differences, accuracy of pilot set pressure opening value with repeats better 1%.
  • All parts essential for function are kept at operating temperature, thus no thermal shock.
  • The disc piston is the only moving part in the main valve, providing reduced maintenance.
  • Low or high pressure in-situ test during operation to preventive maintenance.
  • Compact design from forged stainless steel.
  • Redundancy of pilot valves and diversity of function principle of pilot valves according to specification.
  • Suitable for all types of nuclear reactors.

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