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Podjęcie tego działania może spowodować unieważnienie wyceny. Czy chcesz kontynuować? Postępowanie spowoduje konwersję koszyka na standardowe zamówienie, dzięki czemu będzie można wprowadzić zmiany.
TopWorx™ ESD Valve Controllers provide a complete Partial Stroke Test Solution with unique features and functionality that enable partial stroke testing of emergency shutdown valves without disrupting or shutting down the process.
Sensor Control Module to partially close the valve without disrupting the process
Pass/Fail indication via high/low response on the return signal
Open, Closed, and Partial Stroke Test position sensors for feedback to the DCS or PLC
Onboard Diagnostics to enable predictive maintenance and early-warning alerts
Aluminum, Composite, and 316L Stainless Steel platforms certified for use in Flameproof/Explosion Proof, Intrinsically Safe, or Non-Incendive hazardous areas
An optional local, lockable partial stroke Test Button integral to the unit
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