Rosemount-P-TankMaster Inventory Management Software

Rosemount™ TankMaster Inventory Management Software

Product Description

Rosemount TankMaster is a powerful, easy-to-use Windows-based inventory management software package. Rosemount TankMaster collects real-time tank gauging data such as level, temperature, water interface level and pressure. It automatically calculates volume and mass for inventory and custody transfer for bulk liquid storage tanks. It also provides operator overview, configuration, setup and service for Rosemount tank gauging systems.

Tank Gauging
Data Level, temperature (average and spot), free water level, pressure, liquefied gas parameters (depending on system configuration).
Inventory Calculations
Total Observed Volume (TOV), Gross Observed Volume (GOV), Gross Standard Volume (GSV), Net Standard Volume (NSV), mass and density according to current API tables (6, 54, 24, A-D), ISO and other major standards.

LNG and Liquefied Gases: Support for full containment storage tanks, including: cool-down, leak detection and product profile temperature measurements, stratification monitoring and alarm handling as well as optional roll-over prediction.
Alarm Handling
Set-point alarms, alarm summary, alarm log and alarm event log.
General log, mass balance and batch reports.
Customized Views
Standard views cover most installations, although plant and tank layouts may be customized.
System Configuration and Installation
Step-by-step wizard provides guided configuration and installation of all devices in a Rosemount Tank Gauging System.
Network Capabilities
Supports network of several server and client PCs. Access of TankMaster data from any PC in the network.
Access levels: Administrator, Supervisor, Operator, and View only.
Supports Modbus RTU and OPC Data Access 2.0 (OLE for Process Control), with the possibility to export custody transfer and inventory data from TankMaster to other clients such as different DCSs, PLCs, Scada systems, or Microsoft Office programs.
Emulation Capability
Ability to seamlessly replace other tank management systems with Rosemount TankMaster. Collection and display of data plus support for control of devices, e.g. servo commands.
Two redundant TankMaster PCs can be connected to the host ports on one or several Rosemount 2460 System Hubs. Two possible TankMaster configurations:
• Both PCs active, and separately asking for data.
• One primary active PC, and the other silent in backup mode (hot standby).


  • Increase plant efficiency by getting a complete tank overview.
  • Get real time inventory calculations with API standard net volumes.
  • Achieve network interoperability with host systems and other vendors.
  • Improve safety with powerful alarm management.
  • Increase reliability with smart redundancy features.

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