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AVENTICS™ Series HF04/HF04-XF Valve systems

Product Description

The AVENTICS Series HF04/HF04-XF are universal and flexible valve systems, which offer numerous electrical connection possibilities and pneumatic functions.


1-10 z 14 wyników dla Products
542 zł
522 zł
522 zł
754 zł
754 zł
754 zł
754 zł
700 zł
700 zł
754 zł


  • Series HF04 with up to 24 valves and 24 coils
  • Series HF04-XF with up to 32 valves and 32 coils
  • Series HF04-XF the working ports are rotatable
  • High connectivity through Multipol or Fieldbus connection


1-10 z 88 wyników dla Parts & Accessories
181 zł
305 zł
86 zł
550 zł
6 zł
6 zł
9 zł
10 zł
14 zł
15 zł

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