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AVENTICS™ Series EMS Ejectors

Product Description

The AVENTICS Series EMS features an extremely compact design that can be installed flexibly near the suction points for quick response time and offers high energy efficiency due to its sophisticated nozzle geometry. With the Venturi nozzles connected in Series, they offer an enormous suction capacity with maximum efficiency, covering a wide range of vacuum applications. Depending on the properties of the workpiece being moved, the ejectors are available in two basic versions and three performance categories. The Series EMS multistage injectors are ideal for applications requiring a high flow with a low vacuum.


1-6 z 6 wyników dla Products
1 997 zł
1 997 zł
2 839 zł
2 839 zł
4 805 zł
4 805 zł


  • Multiple Venturi nozzles
  • High suction capacity
  • High-flow version (HF) for porous workpieces
  • High-vacuum version (HV) for air-tight workpieces


1-10 z 85 wyników dla Parts & Accessories
422 zł
422 zł
489 zł
489 zł
739 zł
76 zł
76 zł
76 zł
76 zł
76 zł

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