Fisher™ easy-e™ ED Control Valve

Product Description

The Fisher easy-e ED valve is available in globe and angle bodies. This single-port control valve has a balanced valve plug design, cage guiding, and metal-to-metal seating for all general applications over a wide range of process pressure drops and temperatures.

SIL capable, Fugitive Emission, NACE
Critical Service
Noise Abatement, Cavitation, Steam Condition, Erosive, Low Flow, Corrosive, General Service, Outgassing, Flashing
Flow Characteristics
Equal percentage, Linear, Special Characterization, Quick Opening
Carbon Steel, Stainless, Alloy
Operating Temperature
High Temperature
Pressure Class
Process Connection Type
Flanged, Butt Weld, RTJ, Threaded, Socket Weld
Shutoff Class
Class II (FCI 70-2), Class III (FCI 70-2), Class IV (FCI 70-2), Class V (FCI 70-2)
Valve Size
NPS 1 through NPS 30
Valve Size Standard
Other Configurations
Contact your local Emerson business partner or sales office to learn about additional specifications or options for this product.


  • ENVIRO-SEAL™ packing systems that provide an improved stem seal to help prevent the loss of process fluid are available. These packing systems feature PTFE or Graphite ULF packing with live-loading for reduced packing maintenance.
  • Rugged cage guiding provides high valve plug stability, which reduces vibration and mechanical noise.
  • Streamlined flow passages in the ED, EAD, and EDR valves provide excellent capacities and flow.
  • Increased wear resistance of hardened stainless steel trim means longer-lasting service.
  • Use of multiple graphite piston rings permit Class IV shutoff up to 593°C (1100°F). Use of C-seal trim permits Class V shutoff up to 593°C (1100°F).
  • Valves are available with dimensions specified by EN/DIN standards.
  • Unless otherwise noted, references are to NACE MR0175-2002. Optional materials are available to meet NACE MR0103 and NACE MR0175 / ISO 15156.

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