
Data Management System Implementation

Product Description

Get a single point solution with service capabilities to implement and execute your data management integration strategy.

Service Details

The Emerson-OSIsoft alliance creates value for end-users by combining decades of industry experience and joint product development.

The OSIsoft Real-time Performance Management (RtPM) Platform provides a common applications from the plant floor to the business level to ensure that data is available wherever needed for making better business decisions. OSIsoft solutions integrated with the Emerson offering include Sigmafine mass balancing, maintenance applications, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) connectivity to real time plant floor information, batch management, inventory management, process workflow, real time reporting, real time portal view, plant IT monitoring, operator reports, oil and gas production monitoring, and integrated production and scheduling.

Emerson can provide you with a single point solution with service capability to implement all of these solutions through our Project Services. Emerson consultants will plan and execute a data management integration strategy including:

• Plan the project for seamless integration

• with consistency on design and execution

• providing a single point of contact and accountability

• monitoring and controlling as you go

• measure project performance

• assess project results and lesson leaned and

• close the project