Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Solutions

Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) Solutions

Today’s operating profiles are taxing on these crucial combined-cycle assets.

Gain The Insight To Optimize HRSG Flexibility And Performance

With today’s more complex operating profiles. HRSGs need to be able to swing loads quickly while avoiding temperature excursions. Often, existing automation and controls were simply not designed to handle these operating profiles.

Working with Emerson, you can enhance HRSG operation – optimizing startups and improving steam temperature control.

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Media & Case Studies

Overcome Tube Leak Problems with Better Steam Temperature Control

Solutions in Action

Steam Temperature Control

Many plants use PID control which is not ideal for frequent cycling operations. Tube leaks and temperature excursions can be minimized with a better approach to controlling attemperation and steam temperature. By working with Emerson, you can address the common causes of poor steam temperature control and minimize the chance of an outage resulting from a tube leak. 

Startup Optimization

Plant startups are more and more frequent, yet the responsibility rests on operators to manually start us the unit. Manual procedures and some current operating processes sub-optimize the startup sequence and burn unnecessary fuel. Automated plant starts reduce variability of the process and get the unit online as fast as possible while remaining within operating limits. This lowers both fuel consumption and emissions. 

Drum Level Control

Moving a unit often reveals parts of a unit that are less of a concern during steady state operations. HP, IP, and LP drum level measurement is an example of this. The density changes that occur during plant cycling can cause erroneous readings using traditional measurements. Changing the level measurement technology can greatly reduce errors caused by density fluctuations. 

Unit Response

Frequent changes to load demand can reveal automation deficiencies within a unit. A lack of optimization and coordination in a power plant can lead to an inability to execute quick, accurate load changes. In certain markets, this can lead to missed revenue opportunities and lost compensation. 

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