Small Volume Provers

Product Description

Packaged in static or mobile configurations, Emerson’s next-generation compact prover is the most accurate and flexible solution for volumetric or mass meter proving. It ensures the validity of your metering system with reliable meter proving traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and delivers high mobility and on-time availability.


Flow Rate
0.25 to 24,500 GPM (0.36 to 35,000 BPH)
Operating Pressure Range
Up to 1500 ANSI
Process Temperature
-43°C to +260°C (-46°F to +500°F)
For Meter Types
Liquid Ultrasonic, Turbine, Coriolis, Positive Displacement
Process Product
Crude Oil, LPG, Refined Products, Petrochemical, Chemical, High Pressure NGLs, Cryogenic Fluids, Various Process Fluids
Custody Transfer, Non-Custody Transfer, Production, Liquid Pipelines, FPSO/FSO, Refining, Terminals, Tank Farms, Calibration Laboratories
Equipment/Material Included
Meters, Valves, Strainers, Pipe/Fittings, Structural Steel, Instrumentation, Controls/HMI, Wiring, Connection Arms/Hoses, Trailer (for mobile units if required)
Services Included
Project Management, Engineering/Design, Procurement, Fabrication, Testing, Startup/Commissioning, Training, Lifecycle Services


  • Easily move between measurement sites to prove various meter sizes with the prover's compact design and wide turndown ratio
  • Use with virtually any pulse output flow meter
  • Save significant costs with automated proving of volumetric or mass meters and adjustable mounting configurations
  • Ensure rapid and efficient validation process with single or multi-pass operation and immediate K-factor calculation
  • Maintain reliability with fast leak detection, mechanical fail-safe operation, and optional prover validation / self-test function
  • Compliant with American Petroleum Institute (API) 4.2 Displacement Provers and compatible with double chronometry technology as outlined in API 4.6.
  • Ensure conformance with a wide range of global weights and measures approvals
  • Sustain ongoing compliance to proving standards and local regulations in fiscal measurement applications