Module Type Package (MTP) Solutions

Module Type Package (MTP) Solutions

Emerson-supported MTP integration enables more modular manufacturing, reduces capital and operating costs, and accelerates automation deployment.

Respond faster to changing markets with production flexibility and modularity

Developed by the User Association of Automation Technology in Process Industries (NAMUR), MTP – module type package – provides a framework for standardized equipment data models and description language to streamline interoperability.

MTP enables integration of DCS and PLC-based systems more easily. It reduces time and cost to integrate distributed process and reliability assets and equipment, helps accelerate time to market, simplifies fulfillment of individualized customer requirements, and improves scalability and flexibility. As MTP continues to evolve, organizations will benefit from Emerson’s foundation of interoperability between the DeltaV™ distributed control system, PACSystems™ programmable logic controllers, and AMS machinery health prediction devices.

Prepare for increased flexibility with Emerson’s support for MTP with interoperability between pre-tested systems featuring higher security.

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Klik om verder te gaan met lezen Respond faster to changing markets with production flexibility and modularity
Increase speed to market and reduce cost of implementation

Increase speed to market and reduce cost of implementation

When plants can more easily and quickly integrate new equipment into processes, they see overall reduced risk across the organization. Speed to market of products is increased, and cost of implementation is reduced. Seamless integration also reduces the time and expenditures needed to validate systems. MTP automates and simplifies much of that validation, and DeltaV and PACSystems automation systems and AMS Asset Monitor are tested together to automatically normalize the MTP standard for successful integration.

AMS Asset Monitor is designed with pre-configured MTP objects specialized for asset reliability data that enable seamless integration with the DeltaV control system. Users can simply create their asset-centric measurement points as they normally would, and then export an MTP-ready file to import those objects into DeltaV control and safety systems.

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Klik om verder te gaan met lezen Increase speed to market and reduce cost of implementation

Enable flexibility in operations and production with modularization

In order to build production systems that can be rapidly changed to produce multiple products on demand, organizations need to use modular components. And by having all of the components and the system that operates them be MTP compliant, it’s easier to predict schedules and cost for more efficient operation.

DeltaV was built from the ground up around modularization and is object-oriented for the whole plant. PACSystems supports this modularity with an object-oriented address space allowing for the full benefit of the modularity that MTP provides. Instead of managing a wide variety of separate controls, users can create a plant-level service to perform critical tasks.

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Klik om verder te gaan met lezen Enable flexibility in operations and production with modularization
Enable flexibility in operations and production with modularization
Accelerating DCS and PLC Integration

Accelerating DCS and PLC Integration

Learn how system integrators and manufacturers simplify fulfillment of customer requirements, improve scalability,
and accelerate time to market.

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