
TESCOM™ Anderson Greenwood Instrumentation Model M45A Differential Pressure Manifolds

Product Description

Differential pressure manifolds with two ⅜” (9.5 mm) orifice soft-seated block valves and a metal seated equalizer valve for direct or remote mounting at pressures to 6000 psig (414 barg)


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  • Cost savings of 20-30% when unitizing the manifolding by eliminating several parts used in conventional methods of ‘piping up’.
  • Roddable block valve soft seats simplify maintenance and ensure accuracy.
  • Back seat stem design eliminates stem blowout or accidental removal while in operation.
  • Fewer leak points reduce the chances of leakage.
  • Soft seat design enables field replacement without valve removal.
  • Integral hard back seat protects against stem blowout and provides a secondary packing seal.
  • Rolled stem threads provide a stronger, more durable thread area, increasing valve life.
  • Mirror stem finish in the packing area enables smooth operation and extends packing life.
  • Constant compression metal-to-metal bonnet-to-body seal below bonnet threads prevents corrosion, eliminates tensile breakage and creates a reliable seal point.
  • Easily adjustable stem packing decreases downtime and provides long service life.
  • Manifold mounts directly to the pipe stand. AGCO mount supports the transmitter, allows loop installation without the transmitter and easy removal for service or repair.

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