Rosemount-625 Gas Sensor

Rosemount™ 625ND Gas Sensor

Product Description

The Rosemount 625ND Combustible Gas Sensor offers industry-leading features and performance specifications using nondispersive infrared (NDIR) technology. The NDIR gas sensor provides early gas leak detection, enhancing worker safety and improving sustainability. Rosemount 625ND Gas Sensors are compatible with the Rosemount 925 Fixed Gas Detector. The combustible gas sensor is approved to the latest hazardous area and performance standards for worldwide use.


Operating Temperature
-40 to +158 °F (-40 to +70 °C)
Measurement Type
Gas concentration levels: Hydrocarbon gases: 0-100% LEL
Humidity Range
0-95% relative humidity, non-condensing
Gas accuracy : ±3% LEL < 50% LEL and 5% LEL > 50% LEL
4-20 mA accuracy: ±0.1% of span


  • Pre-calibrated sensor easily connects to a Rosemount 925 gas transmitter and can be factory calibrated to butane gas, propane gas, methane gas, ethylene gas or ethane gas
  • Gas sensor can be calibrated off-site and installed later
  • Gas sensor retains own configuration settings and calibration information
  • Smart sensor module provides reduced maintenance costs and downtime with longer calibration intervals
  • When connected to a Rosemount 925 gas transmitter, the gas sensor continuously communicates digitally, providing stable, accurate protection with fast response times even over long separation distances

Documents & Drawings