Rosemount-K-3051SAM ERS Transmitter and 304 Manifold

Rosemount™ 3051SAM Scalable ERS Measurement Transmitter and 304 Conventional Manifold


Rosemount™ 3051SAM Scalable ERS Measurement Transmitter
Max. Operating Pressure
Up to 10,000psi (689.48 bar)
Process Temperature Range
Based on fill fluid - Maximum 770°F (410°C), Minimum -157°F (-105°C)
Communication Protocol
4-20 mA HART®
Transmitter Connection
Welded-Repairable, All Welded
Process Connection
Flanged: ANSI/ASME, EN/DIN, GOST, & JIS Threaded: NPT, DIN, ISO Hygienic
Process Wetted Material
316L SST, Alloy C-276, Alloy 400, Tantalum, Gold-plated Alloy 400, Gold-plated 316L SST, see full specs for complete list of materials
Basic Diagnostics
SIL 2/3 certified to IEC 61508 by an independent 3rd party, 3A, NSF, NACE®, hazardous location, see full specs for complete list of certifications
Rosemount™ 304 Conventional Manifold
Maximum Operating Temperature
1000°F (538°C)
Manifold Material
316 SST/316L SST, Carbon Steel
Packing Material
PTFE, Graphite-based
Process Connections
1/2"-14 female NPT, IEC 61518
Process Connection Orientation
Parallel transmitter, 90° transmitter
Cleaning for special services, sour gas (meets NACE MR 0175/ISO 15156, MR0103), see full specs for complete list of certifications
Up to 5-year limited warranty


Rosemount™ 3051SAM Scalable ERS Measurement Transmitter
  • Provides DP Level measurements with a faster response time than traditional systems
  • Sensors are independently installed without heat tracing and insulation to offer simple installation
  • Entire system utilizes a single 2-wire, 4-20 mA HART® loop for straightforward system integration
  • Digital architecture delivers stable measurement for applications with excessive temperature variation
  • Each sensor can be independently serviced for simplified maintenance
  • Graphical interface of device dashboard offers simple configuration, commissioning and troubleshooting
  • Additional monitoring information of static pressure and sensor module temperature provide improved process insights
  • SIL 2/3 certified to IEC 61508 (via 3rd party) and prior-use certificate of FMEDA data for safety installations
Rosemount™ 304 Conventional Manifold
  • Assembles to transmitter flange in accordance with IEC 61518
  • Traditional (Flange x Flange and Flange x NPT) and wafer manifold styles meet a wide range of applications
  • 2-,3- and 5-valve configuration for assembly to multi-variable, absolute, gage and differential pressure transmitters
  • Manifold can be factory-assembled to a transmitter, leak-tested and calibrated for quick installation
  • 5-valve natural gas configuration available for extra protection from leaking to ensure DP signal integrity

Documents & Drawings

Rosemount™ 3051SAM Scalable ERS Measurement Transmitter
Rosemount™ 304 Conventional Manifold