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Emerson-P-RiskFram Liquids HCA Analysis Software

RiskFrame™ Liquids HCA Analysis Software

Product Description

Emerson's (formerly GeoFields) RiskFrame™ Liquids HCA software accurately locates pipeline segments in liquids high consequence areas (LHCAs). This advanced solution uses proximity buffering to determine where the pipeline is in close proximity to LHCAs and provides insights for localized and immediate impacts. The software takes the level of impact along with the type of impact into consideration, providing a thorough, conservative and justifiable approach to impact modeling. The results include comprehensive analysis and in-depth documentation, including placement of all results on the map and on detailed integrity sheets as stationed impact segments, enabling companies to confidently mitigate risk while maintaining safer pipeline operations.


  • To determine which HCAs a pipeline directly impacts and the specified distance the pipeline is from the HCAs, the software uses proximity buffering to accurately determine the effect of an immediate and localized impact.
  • For modeling purposes, the software designates potential release points along the pipeline, with these points evenly spaced at a high density and supplemented with significant terrain features (e.g. water crossings).
  • The potential release volume is modeled at each point, with this analysis considering terrain effects (e.g. pooling in valleys) as well as additional volumes that could be released due to other factors (e.g. surge pressure).
  • The Wave-front Overland Spread™ feature provides sophisticated spill analysis that accounts for wave fronts, pooling in low points, spreading in multiple directions, and leaving a residual volume.
  • Advanced hydrological transport modeling provides an accurate analysis of the path a release would take in a surface water system by determining the complex interactions between stream segments, lakes, etc.
  • Detailed reporting includes integrity alignment sheets that directly relate to the map and indicate the segments with potential to impact an HCA; these segments appear as red bars and are organized by HCA type.

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