Branson-P-Transducerized Cleaning Tanks or Immersibles

Branson Transducerized Cleaning Tanks or Immersible Transducers

Product Description

Branson manufactures five standard size transducerized 25 and 40kHz tanks that range from a 2.5 to a 50 gallon capacity (10 to 190 liters).


2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, or 50gallons
Heater Wattage
500,1000,2000, 3000,5000 Watts


  • Freeboard ratio of greater than 120% to eliminate diffusion losses
  • Refrigerated primary condensing coil to condense the bulk of the solvent vapors
  • Refrigerated sub-zero freeboard condenser to provide a cold air barrier minimizing fugitive losses
  • Sliding cover to eliminate drafts and help seal the unit during periods of inactivity.
  • Offset boiling sump with liquid level control
  • Bag filter to minimize solvent loss during maintenance
  • Cooled internal water separator to reduce losses
  • Stainless plumbing for solvent-wetted areas