Rosemount-566 Multiple Spot Temperature Sensor

Rosemount™ 566 Multiple Spot Temperature Sensor

Product Description

The Rosemount 566 Multiple Spot Temperature Sensor measures temperature with a number of Pt-100 spot elements placed at different heights to provide a tank temperature profile and an average temperature in cryogenic and refrigerated storage tanks. Only fully immersed elements are used to determine product temperature. Each sensor is connected to a Rosemount 2240S Multi-input Temperature Transmitter.


DIN Class A.
Calibration option: Individually calibrated spot elements with four-wire connection enables ±0.025 °C (±0.045 °F) total sensor accuracy.
Element Type(s)
Pt-100 spot elements according to EN 60751.
Number of Spot Elements
Up to 16 RTD spot elements:
Three-wire common return or individual wiring.
Four-wire individual wiring.
Measurement Range
-170 to +100 °C (-274 to +212 °F)
Overall Length
Standard is 5-70 m (16.4-230 ft). Other lengths on request.
Protective Sheath
Stainless steel, AISI 316. Wall thickness 0.3 mm (0.012 in.). ∅= 1 in.


  • Get custody transfer net volume accuracy with three- or four-wire multiple spot temperature sensors for bulk liquid cryogenic storage tanks.
  • Specialized sensor for cryogenic tank temperature measurement in LNG and other liquefied gas applications.
  • Improve accuracy with unique sensor calibration.
  • Measure liquid temperature with up to 16 spot elements.

Documents & Drawings