Inverted Bucket Steam Traps

Inverted Bucket Steam Traps

Yarway inverted bucket steam traps are general-purpose traps suitable for a wide variety of loads and applications.

What are Inverted Bucket Steam Traps?

Inverted bucket steam traps are included in the mechanical trap category, operating off the density difference between steam and condensate. They utilize an upside-down bucket as a float linked to a valve. This inverted bucket becomes buoyant when filled with steam and sinks when filled with condensate.


  • Simple construction
  • Rugged
  • Condensate discharge temperature closely follows the saturation curve
  • Reliable


  • Marginal air handling during startup
  • Not self-draining; subject to freeze-ups
  • Not suitable when superheat is present
  • Can lose prime, and is not self-priming
  • Can be mounted only in a single position
  • Failure mode is unpredictable (open or closed)

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How does an Inverted Bucket Steam Trap work?
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