Emerson Solutions Center Singapore

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Emerson Solutions Center Singapore

Drive your sustainability goals, experience our most innovative solutions and technologies with our industry experts today.

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Welcome to the Emerson Solutions Center in Singapore

Bring your team to the Emerson Solutions Center in Singapore for a day to experience a range of technologies in a plant-like environment and understand how new digital technology can transform the way you run and maintain your plant with new innovation. Experience Emerson's products and solutions in multiple ways that work for you; in-person or virtually. A workshop captures the plant challenges and becomes the input for solutions mapping and new creation.

Learn more below or contact us using the link below to request a visit in-person or virtually.

Click to continue reading Welcome to the Emerson Solutions Center in Singapore
Remote Operations Workspace
The Emerson Solutions Center Singapore Experience

The Emerson Solutions Center Experience

Discover solutions to plant challenges like reliability, maintenance, integrity, production, quality, safety, energy efficiency, loss control, emissions and sustainability.

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We start the day in our boardroom by talking about the challenges you face at your plant. This discussion covers reliability, maintenance, integrity, production, quality, safety, energy efficiency, loss control, emissions and sustainability.

Remote Operations Workspace

In the Remote Operations Workspace, we focus on the ability to manage production and equipment in multiple plants from a central location anywhere in the world, a control tower. See your fleet of plants end-to-end at-a-glance. The data and video feeds. Such a support structure and collaboration makes work easier at sites that do not have sufficient experts themselves.

Control Room

In the Central Control Room (CCR) environment, you will familiarize yourself with technology like Digital Twin in the form of process modeling and simulation software ideal for control optimization and control room operator training to improve production and operator performance. If you are a batch plant, you can get a feel for batch analytics for more consistent batches: golden batch profile. You will experience rescue locating, geofencing, and distress call.

Digital Plant

To automate data collection, you will install wireless non-intrusive sensors for corrosion and vibration; in seconds. Try out Augmented Reality (AR) providing you the information you need and guiding you to the asset you are looking for. Try out RFID asset location and identification for yourself. Instead of writing on a paper notebook, you will take a photo using messaging software on the tablet. This drives continuous improvement of safety, reliability, and energy efficiency.


Immerse yourself in Virtual Reality (VR) in our Digital Twin of a plant. Experience how field operators upskill to learn new tasks in the safety of a classroom.

Collaboration area

Once you have experienced and experimented with these new technologies, you know what is technologically feasible and can match it to the needs of the people in the plant, especially in your area of responsibility. We do workshops for digitalization, operational excellence, sustainability, or project excellence to learn from the participants about the needs of the people in their team and understand their challenges.

Options to visit the Solutions Center

On-site Experience

On-site Experience

Visit the solutions center in-person for the full immersive experience touching, carrying, wearing, and clicking on the tools you will use in your plant.

Virtual Experience

Virtual Experience

If you can’t travel to Singapore we will livestream the plant walk-down and software demos from the solutions center to you wherever you are.

Hybrid Experience

Hybrid Experience

Split teams? Some travel while others stay behind. No problem. We will link up your teams through livestream.

Mr. Ng Hock Cheong


The Denka team visited the center, more than once, to learn about solutions for digital transformation such as sustainability, reliability, and personnel safety including IIoT. The visits helped the Denka team identify and prioritize application for the digitalization journey. Denka decided to start with steam trap monitoring, then pump condition monitoring, and after that location awareness. The center is a very good way to experience IIoT solutions.
Mr. Ng Hock Cheong, Maintenance Manager, Denka Singapore

Click to continue reading Denka

ARC Advisory Group

While industrial companies generally appreciate the benefits of digital transformation, many can also feel overwhelmed by the different technologies and uncertain about how and where these should be applied to increase plant and business performance. By providing an up-close, hands-on and engaging experience of the possibilities of the new digital era, the Emerson Solutions Center allows visitors to go back with fresh ideas and perspectives and to traverse their transformations with renewed clarity and confidence.
Mr. Bob Gill, General Manager, Southeast Asia, ARC Advisory Group

Click to continue reading ARC Advisory Group
Mr. Ng Hock Cheong
Emerson Solutions Center Singapore

Emerson Solutions Center | Singapore

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