Temperature Sensors

Emerson's Rosemount Temperature Sensors are the source of accurate, reliable, and repeatable process temperature measurements. Convenient, high quality, and available in a variety of options, our sensors help ensure your temperature measurements can help your facility maintain consistent process control, production efficiency, quality and safety.

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Temperature Sensors

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How Sensors Work

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) are constructed from a resistive metal with leads contained in a protective sheath. Based on the thermal resistivity phenomenon, temperature readings can be inferred from the change in resistance in the RTD, meaning if temperature increases, resistance increases. The resistive metal may be platinum, copper, or nickel with the most common being platinum because of its high accuracy and excellent repeatability.


Thermocouple temperature measurement is based on an electro-magnetic field generated between two dissimilar metal wires at a hot junction compared to a cold junction. The difference in the voltage between these two points allows you to infer a temperature reading. You can measure different temperature ranges based on the metallic composition of the thermocouple.