Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Rosemount Ultrasonic Flow Meters

Rosemount Ultrasonic flow meters measure volumetric flow and are commonly in custody transfer and fiscal oil and gas operations.

Gas Combo USM

Rosemount Ultrasonic Flow Meters Provide Best in Class Flow Measurement Accuracy

The Rosemount Gas and Liquid Ultrasonic Flow Meters provide higher accuracy, greater rangeability, advanced flow meter diagnostics, with no moving parts practically eliminating pressure loss common to other types of flow measurement devices. This advanced ultrasonic measurement technology can be applied to custody transfer, allocation measurement, check metering, leak detection and inventory control applications.

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How It Works

Gas Applications

The Rosemount 3410 gas ultrasonic flow  measurement products
are used around the world in a
variety of critical gas measurement
applications. Commonly installed in
onshore and offshore production
facilities, natural gas transmission
pipelines, compressor stations,
processing facilities and city gates,
these products are also useful for
applications that consume large
volumes of natural gas as a fuel
or feedstock such as power generation,
refining, processing and
petrochemical industries.

Liquid Applications

Around the world, across every stage of the oil and gas value chain— from production to transportation to distribution—the Rosemount 3810 portfolio of liquid ultrasonic flow meters delivers vital metering solutions. Our products are commonly found in onshore and offshore production facilities, refining and storage locations, crude oil and refined product transportation pipelines, and in all types of distribution facilities such as load racks and marketing terminals.

Ultrasonic Measurement Technology

Ultrasonic meters are commonly used for custody transfer and fiscal oil and gas measurement. They measure the velocity of a fluid in a closed pipe and utilize transducers to emit ultrasonic pulses (greater than 20 kHz frequency) from which the flow meter can calculate the average velocity along the path of the beam of ultrasound. The fundamentals of ultrasonic meters make them suitable for gas or liquid measurement, treating them both as fluids.

Hydrogen Blending

Ultrasonic meters can currently handle 20-30% hydrogen by volume while maintaining a reliable level of accuracy in existing natural gas pipelines. The Rosemount™ SeniorSonic and Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meter ensures blending of hydrogen at levels of up to 30% while maintaining custody transfer accuracy and reliability.

Diagnostic Power

Rosemount Gas Ultrasonic Flow Meters are now available with Smart Meter Verification, giving users access to expert flow analysis and providing a simplified and intuitive overall measurement status result minimizing time spent analyzing data.

Every Rosemount Ultrasonic Flow Meter works with advanced MeterLink™ Software to simplify monitoring and troubleshooting. This advanced software displays a number of performance-based diagnostics that indicate meter health. In addition, dynamic flow-based diagnostics help operators identify flow disturbances that may affect measurement uncertainty. The latest version of MeterLink has been optimized to work with Smart Meter Verification allowing for easy collection of monthly scheduled or on-demand Smart Meter Verification Reports.

T-200 Gas Ultrasonic Transducer

Robust, titanium encapsulated and safely extractable under pressure without special tools, this transducer delivers superior performance in wet, sour and corrosive environments. 

With its patented, 3D printed MiniHorn array technology, the transducer mechanically amplifies the signal, overcoming any signal attenuation or potential reverberation effects. The T-200 is highly reliable thanks to the isolated transducer design that provides a barrier from corrosive hydrocarbon fluids, thereby extending the life of transducer components.

Micro Motion Density and Viscosity

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