Some types of whiskey are blended to produce a better flavor. During the blending and dilution processes it is important to monitor the liquids from inside the tank to ensure the quality of the product. A solution that ensures accurate blending and minimizes waste products while shortening cycle times is needed, as well as hygienic requirements such as Clean-In-Place (CIP) or Steam-In-Place (SIP).
Designed for hygienic applications
Fully hygienic alternative to Rosemount 5408 for basic applications without agitator blades, obstacles
Compliant to 3-A®, FDA, EC 1935/2004, EHEDG, etc.
Withstands CIP and SIP cleaning processes
Continuous level measurement
IO-Link communication protocol
Point level for overflow detection and/or empty tank detection
Polished surfaces available for hygienic applications
Drain line mountable for empty tank detection