DeltaV™ Simulate

Product Description

DeltaV™ Simulate lets you use all DeltaV software for training and development without purchasing duplicate control hardware and on-line system licenses. This means you can use exactly the same software provided with your actual DeltaV system at a fraction of the cost. With the simulate suite you can also explore features of the DeltaV system that you have not yet purchased.


2.0 GHz dual core processor or better
Minimum: 4 GB
Minimum: 1024 X 768 with 65K colors
Operating System
Windows XP Professional for v9.3- v10.3, Windows 7 32-bit Professional for v11.3, Windows 7 64-bit or 32-bit Professional for v12.3 (and virtualization)
Disk Space
20 GB free space on Drive C before installing DeltaV Simulate
A USB port is required for the DeltaV Simulate system dongle (hardware key)


  • Allows DeltaV™ configuration on a single PC or in a multi-node system
  • Provides integrated simulation of control system (BPCS) and safety system (SIS)
  • Enables development and testing of batch and continuous control applications in an off-line simulation environment
  • Supports testing of smart field devices and OPC interfaces
  • Provides an ideal environment for operator training and process simulation
  • Supports rigorous testing of control configurations and operator graphics
  • Enhances training with simulation playback
  • Supports virtualization of DeltaV™ Workstations and controller hardware