A6560RT Transient Processor Card for the AMS 6500 Machinery Health Monitor

Product Description

The A6560RT is an A6560R with the transient option included. The transient option allows collection of 100 hours of continuous FIFO signals on up to 24 analog channels and 4 tachometer channels. A user can setup auto-archiving of the transient data in up to one-hour segments or can do a manual archive of up to 8 hours of data. Archiving stores the data in files that can be kept for later analysis or shared with other analysts. The transient simultaneous data capture capability allows the AMS 6500 to be used as a digital recorder for machine troubleshooting, for monitoring turbomachinery events and for modal and ODS analysis. A typical use of the 100 hour transient is monitoring the buffered outputs of machinery protection systems to analyze a startup, a coastdown or an unexpected shutdown event.


Number of Channels
The A6510-T supports up to two 12 channel A6510-T modules
Frequency Range
DC to 2 kHz with transient monitor, peak-to-peak rectification configurable
ADC Resolution
16 bits
Number of Tach Channels Supported
Data Recorder
100+ hours at 1 GB / hour / 24 channels


  • 100+ hours of buffered continuous waveform data collection on all channels simultaneously - no snapshots
  • Manual or automatic permanent storage of buffered data
  • Live viewing of 11 analysis plots simultaneously
  • Replay saved data as if the machine was running live
  • Simultaneous data acquisition on up to 48 channels for rear termination chassis

Documents & Drawings