Emerson-P-DL8000 Preset Controller

DL8000 Preset Controller

Product Description

Designed for the task of controlling the loading and unloading of hydrocarbon liquids in or out of transporting vessels such as tanker trucks, rail cars, ships, storage tanks, and pipelines. The DL8000 is capable of performing all blending, measurement, control, and monitoring needed to provide highly productive and rapid operations for most common loading configurations used in the industry.

Documents & Drawings


  • Straight forward, fill-in-the-blanks approach to configuration
  • Easily configurable for different liquids and for batch loading and reporting
  • Flow properties calculations based on the latest American Petroleum Institute (API) recommendations for best accuracy and repeatability
  • Sequential and ratio blending of up to four products
  • Measurement and control of injected additives
  • Capable of double-precision math, reducing meter-to-meter differences and avoid early totalizer rollover
  • Corrections for temperature, pressure, and density
  • Electrical isolation and built-in surge control, protecting electronics from lightning and user wiring errors
  • Wide-ranging communications capability including Ethernet, EIA232, and EIA485
  • AC sensing of permissive circuits for safe loading and AC or DC control of pumps and valves
  • User-entered vapor pressure for light hydrocarbons
  • Archival storage of 450 alarms and 200 transactions with up to four batches per transaction