Flexim-FLUXUS G601 Portable Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter

Flexim FLUXUS G601 Portable Ultrasonic Gas Flow Meter

Product Description

The Flexim FLUXUS G601 portable clamp-on ultrasonic gas flow meter measures the flow of virtually any gas using our proven transit-time correlation technique. The ultrasonic transducers are simply clamped onto the outside of the pipe, meaning no cutting into the pipe or process interruption is required for installation. This highly accurate flow meter for use in hazardous areas allows for accurate readings, allowing for an inherently bi-directional gas flow measurement of operational and standard volume flows. As the transducers are mounted on the outside of the pipe wall, the system does not suffer from wear and tear or clogging, can’t be a risk for leaks and will not cause any pressure drops inside the pipe.


Measurement uncertainty at the measuring point (volumetric flow rate): ±1…3 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s
0.15 % of reading ±0.02 ft/s
Flow Velocity Range: 0.03 to 115 ft/s, depending on pipe diameter
only safe area
Power Supply
Li-ION 7.2V/6.2Ah Operat. time >25h
Transducers Available
Shear wave/Lamb wave
Pipe Size
0.28 inch to 63 inch
Temperature Range
-40°F to +392°F
4-20mA active/passive
4-20mA passive
Communication Protocol
Modbus RTU
System Configuration and Installation
For more detailed Information please download the Technical Specifications


  • Portable, easy-to-use gas flow meter with 2 flow channels, multiple inputs / outputs and an integrated data logger with a serial interface.
  • Automatic loading of calibration data and transducer detection, reducing set-up times and providing precise, long-term stable results.
  • Li-Ion battery providing over 14 hours of remote measurement operation.
  • Highly accurate due to matched and paired, as well as temperature compensated transducers.
  • Transducers available for a wide range of inner pipe diameters (7...1.600 mm / 0.28...63 in).
  • Proven clamp-on technology, transducers resistant to dust and humidity.
  • Probe for wall thickness measurement available.
  • Water and dust-tight; resistant against oil, many liquids and dirt.
  • Robust, water-tight (IP67) transport case with comprehensive accessories.
  • QuickFix for fast mounting of the flow transmitter in difficult conditions.

Documents & Drawings