Magnetic Flow Meter for Slurry Applications
The MS Sensor and 8782 Transmitter provide confidence in measurement accuracy through signal processing and diagnostics
With over twenty years of experience delivering high signal products, the Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter redefines what’s possible from your measurement devices. Noise is common in process fluids containing solid particulates, from sand to long fibers rubbing against the electrodes and everything in between. Real-time diagnostics deliver measurement confidence and the ability to automatically control the loop, improving product quality, reducing raw material cost and minimizing waste, and re-work.
The MS Slurry Sensor is a robust solution for difficult to measure applications such as sand, high solid content fluids, long pulp fibers, or installations that generate excessive process noise. Designed with these difficult to measure applications in mind, the MS Slurry Sensor overcomes common flow signal challenges to deliver a stable yet responsive flow output.
In this video, I will share how Emerson has uniquely designed magnetic flow meter applications (8782 Slurry Transmitter, MS Sensor for Slurries) to handle aggressive slurries such as those found in metals and mining, and in oil & gas well fracturing.
In this video, Laura Chemler, a product manager at Emerson, explains how Emerson’s new Rosemount Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter works and why this mag meter is the ideal solution in pulp and paper, mining and fracking applications.
In this video, you will learn how to configure the Rosemount™ 8782 Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter using the local operator interface. This video highlights things like what to know before getting started, like locating your flow meter sensor calibration number, flow meter sensor line size and flow meter sensor flow units. You will then learn how to configure the Rosemount™ 8782 Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter from start to finish.
In this video, you will learn how to wire the Rosemount 8782 Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter to an existing Rosemount 8707 High Signal Magnetic Flow Meter Sensor. To start, you’ll need to put the loop in manual control and record the current flow rate on the existing flow meter transmitter. From there, this video will walk you through the wiring process step by step.
In this video, you will learn how to wire the Rosemount 8782 Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter to a Rosemount MS Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Sensor. From safety considerations and pre-installation information to mounting and wiring your Rosemount Slurry Magnetic Flow Meter Transmitter, this video will walk you through the process step by step. If you get lost or need further clarification, see the link below!