
Shutdowns, Turnarounds & Outages Planning and Execution on Valve Solutions

Product Description

Digitally transforming shutdowns, turnarounds, and outages can help you meet business objectives by providing scope and schedule assurance, and labor cost effectiveness.

Service Details

Shutdowns, turnarounds, and outages are high-stress, highly variable, multimillion-dollar events. What if they could also be a key event for your plant to improve safety, reduce emissions, cut maintenance costs, improve process KPIs.

Emerson's digital solutions combines offerings that include digital walkdowns, RFID enabled asset tags, predictive diagnostics, and valve condition monitoring technology to provide scope and schedule assurance, minimize emergent and discovery work, reducing labor and materials costs, and shortening schedules.

Our Accredited Service Providers' shutdown, turnaround, and outage services and solutions can help you achieve scope and schedule assurance using our digital solutions alongside our proven processes to transform the way you prioritize your work scope, eliminate scope creep, mitigate emergent and discovery work, reduce risk, and ensure safety during your next turnaround.

Operational Planning - The sales and service leaders start engaging with your teams. Preliminary scope development, asset criticality ranking, and key performance indicators are identified.

Alignment - The initial scope is generated and preliminary schedule milestones and budgets are defined. A plant walkdown is completed to validate final scope and a kickoff meeting is prepared.

Work Scope Definition - Work lists are refined based on a kickoff meeting between sales and service teams. Diagnostic tools are used to validate the final STO scope proposal.

Detailed Planning - All plans are set in motion. Parts are ordered and labor and mobile service centers are booked.

Pre-STO Planning - Prepare for execution and risk reduction through contingency planning. All is positioned and readied for execution.

STO Execution - The unit is shutdown, cooled, and cleaned. Once safe, the work begins. Daily meetings and shift hand-overs continue. Punch lists are formed and prioritized.

Post-STO Evaluation - Capture the performance of the execution, measure effectiveness, and benchmark for maintenance and reliability comparisons after startup. Learn More about measurements for effectiveness.
