DeltaV-P-IO.Connect for Rockwell IO

DeltaV™ IO.Connect for Rockwell I/O

Product Description

The DeltaV IO.Connect for Rockwell I/O is a solution that provides a pathway to easily modernize to a DeltaV system while preserving the existing legacy I/O and wiring. This provides a simple way to modernize to a DeltaV system now by replacing the existing ControlLogix® family of controllers and connecting directly to POINT I/O™, FLEX I/O™, and ControlLogix® I/O modules across an Ethernet network, while opportunistically transitioning to DeltaV I/O over time. The DeltaV IO.Connect for Rockwell I/O is an attractive solution for Rockwell I/O users that want a modern DeltaV system but are captial or downtime constrained.


Enhanced PK Controller EtherNet/IP interfacing features; utilizes the existing PDT, LDT 3rd-party licensing structure
Product Support
Support for DeltaV IO.Connect is available through the Emerson Guardian Support program
PK Controller EtherNet/IP Enhancements
Extended Path: supports a direct connection path to Rockwell I/O modules
Configuration Buffer: supports configuration buffer parameters to program Rockwell I/O modules


  • Direct I/O connectivity solution that leverages a PK Controller
  • Reduces project capital and downtime
  • Immediate benefits gained with a modern DeltaV control system
  • Low-risk, easy path to smart digital plant