Plantweb-Insight Network Management Application

Plantweb Insight™ Network Management Application

Product Description

The Plantweb Insight Network Management application is designed for continuous, centralized monitoring of wireless networks across industrial facilities. To ensure operations adhere to network best practices, this application offers strategic analysis that enables teams to prioritize maintenance and make informed decisions fast. This solution includes a network mesh diagram for a consolidated view of network health and diagnostics to quickly identify issues and areas for improvements.


Operating System
VMware Virtual Hardware Version 16 or higher or Microsoft Hyper-V Configuration Version 8.0 or higher
  • 4 dedicated processors minimum
  • 8GB RAM minimum
  • 512GB of free hard drive space
Communication Protocol
HART-IP client, OPC-UA client/server, Modbus TCP/IP server, REST API


  • Dashboard provides consolidated summary of all networks to quickly identify and diagnose network issues
  • Aggregated view of network status helps prioritize maintenance and promotes informed decision-making
  • Calculated insights allow users to easily recognize problem areas and troubleshoot faster
  • Analytics include network availability with load statistics and historical overview of network health
  • Alerts Log tracks syslog alerts across all networks for immediate visibility into individual network issues
  • Log reports can be filtered and sorted for quick identification and custom reports
  • Summary view displays network by network data that is searchable, filterable and sortable
  • Details page shows specific network performance in conformance to network best practices
  • Drag-and-drop mesh network diagram enables users to modify and create an accurate network display
  • Configurable network diagram presents specific device data with troubleshooting guidance