Digital Valve Controllers
Meet your process reliability and performance goals by bringing intelligence to your entire valve assembly.
This type of positioner is a microprocessor-based instrument that is compatible with a variety of communication protocols, including HART, FOUNDATION fieldbus, and PROFIBUS. The microprocessor enables diagnostics and two-way communication to simplify setup and troubleshooting. In a typical digital valve controller, the control signal is read by the microprocessor, processed by a digital algorithm, and converted into a drive current signal to the I/P converter. The microprocessor performs the position control algorithm rather than a mechanical beam, cam, and flapper assembly.
This webinar covers how Fisher FIELDVUE digital valve controllers function, available diagnostic levels, and how to use diagnostics to your advantage. We also show demos of diagnostic tests using a control valve assembly in the Emerson Solutions Center in Marshalltown, Iowa.
Delivering the digital content of SMART positioners on a global project can be challenging. We'll show how combining DVC6200 series digital valve controllers with a mix of simplification and automation helps you across the entire valve lifecycle.